
This Physical Mediumship Circle is a weekly closed meeting in which we explore physical mediumship. Physical mediumship is where those on the “other side of life” work through a medium and cause something to happen on our physical plane. A voice can be produced by those in spirit either directly or by using a “horn” or “trumpet” that lets a spirit person speak directly from their world to ours.

Other physical phenomena are lights, smells, a sudden drop in temperature, levitation, raps or knocks, apports (objects brought in from elsewhere), transfiguration (a mask of ectoplasm covering a medium’s face, altering it to look like someone else), being splashed with water, direct spirit writing (without the help of anyone on the physical plane, sometimes on a photographic film), and so on.

It takes considerable time and dedication to effectively develop the energies and harmony needed to produce phenomena. I hope you will enjoy these updates as we commit to producing a physical bridge with the “other side” that we can all experience.

– By Medium Victoria



9 Responses to About

  1. kevin lee says:

    Hi gang!

    I found you by accident tonight…and wanted to say HI! I am finishing my first seance room in 2 weeks i think and will start sitting! I studied at various places including Arthur Findlay College in England. I hope to develop my Spirit Card Precipitation (kinda like Bang Sister’s art but more like Rev. Hoyt Robinette does today).

    PLEASE email me and lets keep in touch. I think I need to visit you all! haha

    Blessings and see you one day. Hugs.

  2. Medium Victoria says:

    Seance room – how exciting! I was just in your city a few weeks ago. What did you study at Arthur Findlay (trance, phys med…)? Let me know how the precipitation turns out.

    You are welcome to visit anytime. Will keep in touch, and best of luck to you.

  3. kevin lee says:

    funny how life is so small… John Lilek is coming to serve our church in ft lauderdale and i googled his name and found your site AGAIN. I had never realized you replied until now.. reach outto me and stay in touch. psychicguy2@gmail.com I studied trance healing, trance and mental mediumship. along with physical mediumship – various forms – at AFC. loved it! I am sitting now for Spirit Card Writing / Precipitation Mediumship and the Bangs Sisters are helping me from beyond. I get scratches and scribbles so far. baby steps. I also am sitting for NonEctoplasmic Physical Mediumship, based upon the Scole Experiments in UK, and our tiny group has seen a green spirit light move in the room, and had two “hands” touch sitters. exciting and slow to reoccur!!! ha.

  4. admin says:

    Hi Kevin,

    So nice to hear from you! How wonderful to have attended Arthur Findlay! I am going to England this fall, but not to AFC. We should get together and discuss trance techniques sometime.

    Precipitation — how exciting! One of our sitters brought in a toy slate that we were able to get a small pressure-drawing on. It is plastic(!) yet very sensitive. Have you met or spoken with Hoyt (I’ve forgotten his last name) who also does colorful card precipitations? I believe he started at Camp Chesterfield (in Indiana).

    I am familiar with Robin Foy’s “energy based” phenomena only from what I have learned on the net. I hope your progress continues splendidly.

    Physical phenomena can take a long time to develop, at least for us. You seem so enthusiastic and full of life, and I know this will help you. Best to you always, and looking forward to meeting you someday.


    • kevin lee says:

      Sure, lets keep in touch! Arthur Findlay College is amazing…

      I am friends with Hoyt Robinette.. I have several cards now from him and will be seeing him in a few months again up north.

      My precipitation is a slow process…but i know it will manifest as spirit needs it to!

      Do you know of a Rev John Lilek who travels ever so often to Cassadagga? He is in florida currently and went there 2 weeks ago i think.. wondered if your group was the special physical mediumship group he talked about… i didnt have your name with me when he mentioned it.

      keep up the good work! And if you are ever (or your circle folks_) are in ft lauderdale, come see our church! we welcome all folks.

      kevin lee

  5. I am on the AFC site right now — there are no coincidences! I am scheduling a trip to London in September and am researching, trying to find a church or Spiritualist Center at which to spend a day or two at teaching a class, doing a dem, etc., just to get my feet wet there and by way of introduction. I don’t have any contacts there yet.

    John is scheduled to be at our Center in Sarasota July 16 thru 18 (next week!). Our Physical Circle is doing very well and we just started using a large, rugged cabinet. It did help quite a bit and the sitters say the voices are stronger now.

    I have never met Hoyt and wish you well when you see him. As to the slow process, sometimes just when you think nothing is ever going to happen, that’s right when a break-though occurs. We will mention you and your circle in our next meeting and send you love and support.

    It has been a pleasure conversing with you, and I hope to meet you someday. Until then, my best and warmest to you always,


  6. Christine Di Nucci says:

    I have found your site by accident and wanted to say hello from the Bristol Spirit Lodge home circle in England. A group of us are again visiting the Arthur Findlay College during their open week in June…it’s a small world : )

  7. Keith C. says:

    Hi, ran across your site while searching for precipitation mediumship. I am directly and indirectly acquainted with several of the personalities and places mentioned above in comments, have personally experienced physical mediumship multiple times. I grew up in Bradenton, and now reside in Dunedin – about 80 minutes away.

    I would kindly ask that if an opportunity ever presents itself for a visitation to your circle, for either development sitting or otherwise, and if you are so inclined and directed by spirit – I offer my energy. Development and communication with spirit is an avid life pursuit of mine – albeit often in diverse non-traditional ways.

    Thank you for your work, efforts, and website! I am always pleasured to heard of development circles.


  8. Hi, I also just found your website by accident when searching for Hoyt Robinette to help a friend become familiar with precipitation mediumship. I am also acquainted with Tom N, David Thompson, and others….and live in Clearwater.

    I would like to make an introduction (if we haven't already met) Can you reach out?


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