My attention was immediately drawn to the standing trumpet and the 5 bands of luminous light on it (which, previously, had been 4). The 3rd band was shaped like an elongated L. The second band was shaped more like an upside-down triangle, and the other bands were rectangular. Finally, to the left of the fifth band were 2 small lights. All the bands remained visible.
The first thing I noticed was how cold it was in the room. The AC came on and stayed on almost the entire length of the circle.
I heard noises of what sounded like someone walking outside and walking past the back door. Radana also heard these noises. Victoria commented that she had walked through the wall to her left which felt weird to her, and she found herself on the other side of the wall in the next shop.
I remember looking all around for lights and/or orbs. I turned and saw a white narrow horizontal band of light behind me that was continually moving to my right. I also saw sparks of light in the center of the room and, also, to the left and right of center. To the left of me, between Maxine and myself, was a large area of deep purple light. To my right, between Barbara and me, I was aware of a dark shadowy mass which quickly moved behind me, and which Redana confirmed. Victoria said she had moved around a lot during the circle.
George suggested we all send Victoria energy shortly after we had started, and we all sent Reiki energy her way. She saw her guides and the white caverns again. She said that this had been a very active night for her; her guides had poked her right side in several places: nose, ear, stomach, shoulder, throat, and cheek, as if preparing her for some future ectoplasm work.
In order to send out energy to any being who needed healing, whether human, spirit, or animal, I smiled broadly and sent out thoughts of love, acceptance, forgiveness, compassion, healing from injury or anxiety, to any and all who needed the healing, including myself.
Personal Notes: On the drive to the healing center, Barbara said she was “getting” that I needed to wear a patch over my left eye and rest the eye more than I have been. After George rang the bell to open the circle, we sang “Do-Re-Mi”, then, “Jingle Bells”, then accompanied the tape for “Amazing Grace” and “You Raised Me Up”.
Today, there wasn’t much opportunity to raise my energies. My left eye was annoying me because the vision in it continues to be blurred. I had planned on meditating part of the day in the hammock but didn’t get to it. I was involved in gluing pictures and copying quotes from a White Eagle book to handmake Christmas cards for special friends and family. Right before Barbara picked me up at 6:40 PM, Kenzie injured his left front leg and/or his back, playing with Chica, his little long-haired Chihuahua playmate. He just cried and cried when Terry carried him into the house and put him in my lap. He didn’t want us to touch him anywhere, especially not on his leg. I had Terry give him some Rescue Remedy drops and I gave him a doggie aspirin. That calmed him down a bit, and I did some Reiki on him, also.
Tonight’s circle consisted of Victoria and George, Barbara, Maxine, Radana, and me. This night I did not bring any of the larger crystals to the circle.
– By Sitter Karen V.