Before tonight’s séance, we played some games and did flame pictures. The only one to burn holes in the paper was Barbara 🙂 . Victoria used the flame pictures to do readings for each of us. Tonight’s circle consisted of Victoria and George, Emily, Dawn, Darlene, Barbara, Radana, and myself; Mikhail, Victoria’s guide, called us the “crazy eights”. The cabinet was in the same place in the séance room as last week, with the sitters forming a semi-circle around the cabinet and the altar table between the sitters and the cabinet. Victoria was in a chair in her cabinet, curtains opened. This night all the crystals were back in place.
George read our opening prayer and we om’d three times and sang two of our usual three songs: “Amazing Grace” and “In the Garden”; Bartholomew came through, then. When the energy level lagged shortly thereafter, Bartholomew asked us to sing another song. We sang “Do-Re-Mi”. Bartholomew said that Daniel was with us, also, as was Mary. Mary came through faintly and was difficult to understand. She was in the mood to play. George asked her what games she liked to play, and she said, “hide and seek”. When the seeker finds her, she kisses him/her on the cheek. George said he could feel a kiss on his cheek. Emily asked Mary if it was raining? “We don’t have rain (on the Other Side).” Mary said she had a white parasol, though, with its fringe and beads, and she takes it out in the sun. They are all glad to be with us. They salute our joy and play. I think Daniel said something about us being in his dreams. (I hope someone else, besides me, heard that comment.)
Daniel said something to Emily about the “young one” being present. (Apparently, a young nephew of Emily’s had died last Saturday.) Daniel emphasized that “it should not be a cause for sadness here (on earth), but it was a cause for celebration there (on the Other Side).
Emily asked Mary how old she was when she passed? Mary said she was five years old. Now, she’s much older. Bartholomew mentioned that those on the Other Side were well aware of All Saints Day coming up on Thursday, and of All Hallows’ Eve, also, a cause for celebration to us.
Bartholomew or Daniel said there was healing going on in the circle tonight There were many sparks everywhere. I saw a purple glow around and in front of Victoria and George and Barbara, and an indigo glow in front of and around myself. Emily saw a spirit manifest right in front of her for the first time.
Bartholomew talked about us needing to relax. “Be like the muscle in a (scallop) shell; the muscle must relax for the shell to (be able to) open.”
Before any questions were asked, Victoria was (partially) back. George counted her back until she was fully returned to her body. Victoria said that returning had not gone well for her. She had traveled around the room out-of-body and told Darlene that she (Darlene) was very bright, surrounded with orange and yellow light!
By Sitter Karen V.