Indigo Lights, Blue, White, and Rainbow Sparks: Seance 2-6-12

Tonight’s circle consisted of Victoria and George, Barbara, Radana, and myself (Karen).   We started out by doing karaoke to “I Can See Clearly Now” – a very appropriate choice, considering my vision concerns about my left eye.

We also added a crow feather and a pyramid containing the small “magic” pad to the central table.  I sat in a different place tonight – in the back between Victoria and Radana; Barbara and George were across from me.

After George rang the bell to open the circle, we accompanied the tape for “You Raised Me Up”, as did the spirits.  Victoria said that Shiri was here, my uncle was here, and Redana’s grandmother was here as well.

I was aware of a field of indigo lights between me and the standing horn (trumpet).  There was much activity, as well, around the base of the standing horn.  I did not see any particular item move, though.

There was a bright blue spark of light right in front of me, and a spark of white light in front of Victoria, and several rainbow lights also danced around her.

Personal Notes: I visualized a clockwise spiral of DNA surrounding each of us (as suggested by Cindi Wilson), and the entire circle as well, spiraling higher and higher towards heaven; and then, spiraling counter-clockwise back down to us.  I tried to coordinate my in-breaths with the DNA spiraling down, filling me with positive energy and thoughts; and my out-breaths with the DNA spiraling upward, releasing any negativity and blocks to my health and healing (especially in relation to my left eye).

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