Many Spirits, Cold, Whistle, Voices, Spinning Trumpet, Flashes, Sparks, Lights, Touches: Seance 1-28-13

Tonight’s circle consisted of Victoria and George, Darlene, John, Radana, and myself, with guest sitter, Maxine.  The cabinet was in the same place in the séance room as last week, with the sitters forming a semi-circle around the cabinet and the altar table in the middle of the group.  (Messages and healing info have been omitted).

After the light was turned off, Victoria tranced  and, by the time we sang the third song, “You Raise Me Up”, Bartholomew was already clearing his throat (or Victoria’s throat).  We kept singing and Bartholomew did wait until we finished singing before he spoke.

There were, apparently, many spirits waiting to communicate and they expressed greetings and gratitude for our presence.  A new voice, with a distinctive accent, came through to discuss something important (which I can’t remember).  Then, a new woman’s voice broke through.  Then, Mary’s piercing, shrill voice invited us to respond in kind to her hand-wave (she waved with her parasol).  The spirits commented about a “long-lost missing child” and welcoming it back into the fold (this might refer to Maxine who hadn’t attended the circle in nearly a year or to Barbara who has missed a few times due to illness or her husband’s rapid approach toward transitioning to the Other Side.)

The room was cold.  No one mentioned hearing noises, except me: I heard a sort of whistle that increased in frequency until it was very high-pitched.  I heard the faint whistles when something important was about to happen.  The voices, on the other hand, were clear and distinct.

Radana said she saw the top of the standing horn spinning.  I, also, saw a bright light flash to the left of George.  I saw lots of stars, sparks, small balls of light , particularly a royal blue ball of light, or an orb.  Radana was touched on the face; Darlene felt her hair (her bangs, in particular) being brushed out of the way; I bumped knees with someone (when I glanced over at Radana to my right, her knees were nowhere near mine).  In fact, no one’s knees were near mine.  The atmosphere felt good, positive, relaxed, yet charged.

By Sitter Karen V.

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