Victoria: I asked about adding a new Sitter to our circle, and also adding other Sitters as time goes on.
Mikhail: Hello Victoria, it is I, Mikhail. Hail and well met! Reduce your questions to a single inquiry, “What would be the best for the group as a whole?” The more Sitters you have the more (the session was interrupted and resumed five minutes later). … The question was about Sitters. We do not object to the increase in participation. Emily (the potential new Sitter) has a softer energy than you might imagine.
When adding Sitters, a harmonious vibration must be achieved. Familiarity, gaiety and laughter all work toward producing a community energy needed for manifestation of plasma and continued progress. Educate well each Sitter in regard to what they may expect and experience. Your safety is always a primary concern and to reduce the impact to your well-being and good health. Explain in detail the uses and rich content of our mission.
Victoria: Anything else you would like to add or talk about?
Mikhail: I would like another session with you when you have more time to discuss parameters of building and producing metamorphosis of light/frequency/energy/vibration/sight/sound in greater abundance.
Victoria: I mused briefly about the main Control, Bartholomew.
Mikhail: Jordan, Jordan. Relax and let the Entity work. Make pliable and free your control of your body. Let your consciousness reside in your mind. “Come away o’ human child…” Release and let go, that is all there is to it. Until we meet again.
Victoria: Please relay our deepest gratitude to the wonderful people (beings, entities) who have helped us so well and for so long.
Mikhail: I will.
When and if you get to the point of having guest sitters, i would love to be considered at some point.
Psychic Medium
Hi Jock, Thank you for your interest! Are you local (Sarasota, FL, USA) or will you be traveling here in July 2012? Physical medium John Lilek will be at our Center on July 16, 17, and 18. While he is here he will be holding several public séances. For more information go to and click on “Live Events”.
Hi There,
I have emigrated here and i live in Clermont, Florida. You can chat to me on skype jbpsychicmedium.