Trumpet Goes Up, Mist, Temperature Changes, Energy Issues: Seance 2-25-13

Tonight’s circle consisted of Nancy, Victoria and George, Emily, Maxine, Darlene, Radana, and myself.  Victoria started out by giving messages in the cabinet (omitted).

After the messages, George lead our opening prayers and songs, and opened the circle (seance).  The energy was high; perhaps because many of the crystals were back in the cabinet and center of the séance room.  Maxine, Darlene, and I saw the standing trumpet extend upwards (as it used to in our early sessions).  Also, I saw a flowing mist surround the top of the trumpet.  By the time we started, it was quite cold in the room, but everyone, except Victoria, was comfortable (Victoria was feeling very warm, sweating even, by the time we ended the session.)

Before we started the séance, Nancy, Victoria, and I had had a discussion about how to deal with energy issues.  Victoria was feeling very tired and overwhelmed from dealing with another person’s emotional energy issues.  She was picking up on others’ anxiety issues, as well.  She realized that she had forgotten to take various measures to protect herself from negativity and power issues.

Nancy suggested that Victoria surround herself with a shiny (I said opal-ized) bubble of white light and/or surround people with the shiny bubble as they entered the building.  Reiki energy can be used to heal the excess energy or negativity, as well.  Burning white sage or drumming can be used, also, to purify energy, as can smudging each person with white sage or cedar or white pine.  There are many possibilities to clarify the energies: calling on the sun or the Master Teachers to fill us with physical and spiritual Light is another.  Psychic Self Defense by Dion Fortune is an old, but treasured, resource.

By Sitter Karen V.

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